About Us
SEED envisions a world where opportunities exist for all people and communities to realize their hopes.
To build strong communities and increase opportunities for people through financial empowerment programs and services.
Five Pillars of Financial Empowerment
- Financial information, education & counselling
- Help accessing income-boosting benefits & tax credits
- Safe & affordable financial products & services
- Access to savings & asset building opportunities including business ownership
- Consumer awareness & protection
SEED works in partnership with over 100 organizations in Manitoba to deliver customized financial empowerment programs.
Our History
SEED Winnipeg was formed in the late 1980s as a result of a major study into the economic development needs of Winnipeg’s inner city. After a number of years of searching for resources, SEED opened its doors in January 1993 with two staff on Ellice Avenue in the West End.
Over the years SEED has developed a strong track record in program innovation and collaboration. In addition to joint program delivery with organizations across Manitoba, SEED’s programs have been replicated by community-based agencies in Ontario, Alberta and BC.

SEED staff and board
In April 2006, SEED rejoined its forces into our current offices at 80 Salter Street in the North End. SEED is the proud owner of this beautifully renovated building which will enable SEED to continue to grow and develop both its staff and its programs.
SEED has a solid, diverse funding base that enables long-range planning and offers continuity in program delivery. The ability to operate programs over an extended time frame also makes it possible to assess program impacts over longer periods of time.
Our Strategic Plan for 2018-2021
Goal 1: To work in partnership with Indigenous community members and organizations to reduce the ongoing impact of colonization by taking action on the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
Goal 2: To increase financial well-being through the provision of financial empowerment programs and services including business and social enterprise development.
Goal 3: To practice and promote CED principles as an effective and attainable approach to local development.
Goal 4: To sustain the delivery of effective programs and services by strengthening our internal organizational capacity.
Goal 5: To engage in partnerships and cross sectoral collaboration to address poverty through systemic policy and practice change.