Community Economic Development
At SEED Winnipeg we strive to apply CED Principles in all aspects of our operation. CED principles form the foundation of all program development and whenever possible, inform decisions about suppliers, management structure, board composition and many other areas.
According to the Community Economic Development Centre at Simon Fraser University, Community Economic Development is …
“… a process by which communities can initiate and generate their own solutions to their common economic problems and thereby build long-term community capacity and foster the integration of economic, social and environmental objectives.”
“CED enterprises are based on a consideration of the relationship between economic factors and other community elements such as housing, education, the natural environment, health and the arts. CED has emerged as an alternative to conventional approaches to economic development, a participatory, holistic process that leads to positive, concrete changes in communities by creating employment; reducing poverty; contributing to the health of the natural environment; stabilizing local economies; andincreasing community control.”

Procurement Practice
98% (compared to 81% the previous year) of SEED’s office and building needs were purchased using the CED principles listed below. When SEED is looking to make a purchase, these procurement guidelines are followed:
- 1st choice vendor – SEED client/past participant
- 2nd choice vendor – Buy Social Canada certified social enterprises
- 3rd choice vendor – business owned and operated in SEED’s neighbourhood
- 4th choice vendor – business owned and operated in Winnipeg
- 5th choice vendor – business owned and operated in Manitoba
- 6th choice vendor – business owned and operated in Canada
CED Principles (Criteria)
as developed by Neechi Foods Worker Co-op:
- Use of locally produced goods and services
- Purchases of goods and services produced locally
- Circulation of income within the local community; less income drain
- Stronger economic linkages within the local community
- Less dependency on outside markets
- Greater community self-reliance
- Production of goods and services for local use
- Creation of goods and services for use in the local community
- Circulation of income within the local community, less income drain
- Stronger economic linkages within the local community
- Greater community self-reliance
- Restoration of balance in the local economy
- Local re-investment of profits
- Use of profits to expand local economic activity
- Stop profit drainage
- Investment that increases community self-reliance and cooperation
- Long-term employment of local residents
- Long-term jobs in areas which have experienced chronic unemployment or under-employment
- Reduction of dependency on welfare and food banks
- Opportunities to live more socially productive lives
- Personal and community self-esteem
- More wages and salaries spent in the local community
- Local skill development
- Training of local residents
- Training geared to community development needs
- Higher labour productivity
- Greater employability in communities which have historically experienced high unemployment
- Greater productive capability of economically depressed areas
- Local decision-making
- Local ownership and control
- Cooperative forms of ownership and control
- Grassroots involvement
- Community self-determination
- People working together to meet community needs
- Public health
- Physical and mental health of community residents
- Healthier families
- More effective schooling
- More productive workforce
- Physical environment
- Healthy neighbourhoods
- Safe neighbourhoods
- Attractive neighbourhoods
- Ecological sensitivity
- Neighbourhood stability
- Dependable housing
- Long-term residency
- Base for long-term community development
- Human dignity
- Self-respect
- Community spirit
- Gender equality
- Respect for seniors
- Respect for children
- Social dignity regardless of physical, intellectual, or psychological differences
- Social dignity regardless of national or ethnic background, colour or creed
- Aboriginal pride
- Support for other CED initiatives
- Mutually supportive trade among organizations with similar community development goals in Winnipeg and elsewhere